L. PA. | 21. 7. 2024, 06:00

Osvežilna poletna sladica: vse, kar potrebujete, je ...

TikTok/sweatysweetpotato/posnetek zaslona

Enostavna poslastica bo hitro postala ena od vaših najljubših poletnih pregreh.

Iščete idejo za poletno sladico, ki ni tako težka, da bi vam v vročini obremenila želodec, a bo kljub temu zadostila vaši želji po sladkem in prijetno pobožala vaše brbončice? Ponujamo vam enostaven recept, ki vas bo tako navdušil, da boste želeli to slastno poletno pregreho pripravljati znova in znova.

Morda vas zanima tudi:

Za sladico za eno osebo potrebujete le eno breskev, 14 g (eno jedilno žlico) masla, ki ste ga hranili na sobni temperaturi, 12 g (eno jedilno žlico) sladkorja, cimet in vaniljev sladoled.

@sweatysweetpotato we’re back!! my favorite summer treat for the 3rd year in a row 🍑 ingredients: 1 peach (can do more!! just double or triple everything ☺️) 1 tbsp butter, room temp 1 tbsp sugar dash cinnamon vanilla ice cream here’s how in an oven: preheat oven to 400F (convection if you have it) cut a peach in half, take out the pit, brush with olive oil or melted butter place cut side down in an oven safe dish, bake for 10 min meanwhile, mix together butter, sugar, and cinnamon take out the peach, carefully flip the halves over, fill the empty pit of each half with the cinnamon sugar butter mixture. place back in the oven (cut side up) for 10-15 more minutes (depending on how soft you want it). serve with vanilla ice cream and a sprinkle of nuts or granola here’s how in an air fryer: preheat air fryer to 350 cut a peach in half, take out the pit, brush with olive oil or melted butter place cut side down in parchment lined basket, air fry for 6 min @ 350 meanwhile, mix together butter, sugar, and cinnamon carefully flip the peach halves over, fill the empty pit of each half with the cinnamon sugar butter mixture. place back in the air fryer (cut side up) for 4 more minutes. serve with vanilla ice cream and a sprinkle of cinnamon sugar #airfryer #airfryerrecipes #dessert #peach #easyrecipes #easydessert #glutenfree #glutenfreerecipes #glutenfreedessert #eeeeeats #summerrecipes ♬ Summer song - remy bond ☮︎


Pečico prehodno segrejte na približno 200 stopinj Celzija. Breskev prerežite na pol, odstranite koščico, sadež premažite s stopljenim maslom ali olivnim oljem in s prerezano stranjo navzdol postavite v pekač, primeren za v pečico.

Medtem ko breskev pečete deset minut, zmešajte maslo, sladkor in cimet. Sadež vzemite iz pečice, ga previdno obrnite, prazno mesto vsake polovice, kjer je bila prej koščica, napolnite z masleno mešanico cimeta in sladkorja, nato pa postavite nazaj v pečico s prerezano stranjo navzgor in pecite še za 10-15 minut, odvisno od tega, kako mehko teksturo želite.

Ko je pečeno, sladico postrezite z vanilijevim sladoledom in posipom z oreščki ali granolo.

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